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Bill Miller

August 7, 2022, Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Wisdom 18:6-9 Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19 or 11:1-2, 8-12 Luke 12:32-48 or 12:35-40

I imagine each of us has certain specific biblical passages that we claim as favorites. These are the ones that have touched us in a special way and have helped to form our faith. For me, one such passage appears in today’s Gospel from Luke: “For where your treasure is there also will be your heart.”

Many years ago as a young adult, I was privileged to attend a one-act play that applied this scripture to a contemporary scenario. While I no longer remember the details of the plot, I will never forget the lesson the play conveyed. Simply put, it demonstrated that those things we value the most will be the things in which we invest the greatest amount of time and energy. That theme has become a mantra I use when I pause to reflect upon how I am living my life at any particular moment. In other words, while I may claim to be a Christian, do my actions and my energy truly give witness to that?

Some days I have found myself putting too much emphasis on power, status, or monetary concerns…not spending enough time in prayer or doing good works. I guess that proves I am human. Aren’t we all? And as humans, we are wise to stop and reflect upon where our hearts are at any given point in time. Those things that we really pour our hearts into are the things we truly value…the things we treasure.

Here are two reflection questions for the week ahead:

1. If an objective bystander were to observe my actions for a week, what would he/she name as my treasures…the things that occupy the greatest portion of my time and energy?

2. What scripture passages have special significance for me? Why are they so important to me?

by: Bill Miller

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