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Scripture Reflection, January 5, 2025, Epiphany of the Lord

Bill Miller

Isaiah 60: 1-6 Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6 Matthew 2: 1-12

Today's gospel reading comes to us from the gospel of Matthew and gives us the story of a visit of the magi to the infant Jesus, the feast we celebrate as The Epiphany. In this reading and in the scriptures that immediately follow we see people on the move.

The magi are on the move from their home “in the east” to Jerusalem in search of “the newborn king of the Jews.” They have followed the star for many miles to find the new king and "do him homage. “ In the verses that follow today's reading we see the holy family also on the move. Scripture says that an angel has appeared to Joseph, told him that Herod was searching for the child and they were all in danger. They flee to Egypt.

Today, too. many people are on the move. Some are searching for a better life for themselves and their children. Others are fleeing danger. According to the United Nations there are currently 117 million persons in the world forcibly displaced by conflict or persecution.

Most people experience some moves in their lifetime; some people experience many moves. Did you move from your parents’ home to marry and establish your own family? Did you move from the Business College to the College of Fine Arts to pursue a dream and develop a gift? Did you move out of an abusive relationship? Did you move to a 12 step program to support your recovery? Did you move to a better job or a bigger house to support a growing family? All are moves to seek an important goal or moves from danger to safety. Like the magi. Like the Holy Family.

What if you were in danger but could not move because no place would receive you? If external forces over which you had no control kept you in danger in spite of your own best efforts? What if the holy family had not been able to join with a caravan moving to safety in Egypt?

Most people agree that our immigration system is broken. It has been for many years. There are better and there are worse ways to solve this multi-faceted problem. It will take wisdom, cool heads, imagination and cooperation.

And a pro-life commitment.

by: Pat Schnee

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